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How do I create my voice messages?

A clear and professional voice message is a critical component of your phone greeting. It is frequently the first point of contact between your company and its customers and prospects. Quicktalk has a number of options for making professional-sounding announcements that you can edit at any moment without having to go to a studio.

Using the online studio

Using the online studio, create your own voice messages with background music for a more professional appearance.

Creating your telephone greeting

  1. Open the online studio by clicking on "Edit"
  2. Enter the text you want for your announcement and choose the correct language from the 16 available
  3. Choose the background music for your announcement, either from our selection or by uploading your own mp3 file
  4. Fine tune your setting by adjusting the tone, voice and background music volume.

Your announcement is immediately created and used for your telephone greeting. This announcement can be modified as many times as you wish.

Using your own mp3

If you don't want to use our online studio to create your voice messages, you can upload your own mp3 file, for example, a message made in the studio by an external provider.

  1. Open the online studio by clicking on "Edit".
  2. Choose the "Download your mp3" tab

This mp3 file will then be played as a telephone greeting for each incoming call.

Recording your own voice

It is also possible to simply record your voice and add background music if you wish.

  1. Open the online studio by clicking "Edit".
  2. Choose the "Record my voice" tab
  3. f you want, you may add background music from our selection or by uploading your own mp3 file.
  4. Please note: If you download your own mp3s, you must ensure that the music you use is either royalty-free or that you are familiar with the current rights and royalties in the country where you have a QuickTalk phone number.