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Welcome Greeting Message

Personalize the calling experience for your customers with a branded welcome greeting message.


Look more professional

Our easy to use studio allows you to create quality branded voice greetings for your customers in over 16 languages with 100s of options for background music.

Modify your settings on the go

It's easy to make changes or update the settings whenever or wherever you want. Keep customers informed of latest news, current promotions or change in opening hours.

Phone Greetings FAQ

What is the purpose of a telephone greeting?

The greeting will differentiate your service from a call to a private number and thus give a professional image to your telephone support. It is above all essential to indicate to the caller that they have not dialed the wrong number and that they are indeed at the service of your company.

How do you compose a good phone greeting?

A good greeting contains a welcome with your company name and a message to reassure the caller that their call will be handled in the best possible way. Above all, a good telephone greeting is a message that resembles your brand. Often a brief and simple message is preferred, but don't hesitate to use background music and words to reinforce your brand image.

Is it possible to have a greeting in a foreign language?

The Quicktalk online studio allows you to record messages in 16 different languages. No need to record yourself, just type the text that will be spoken in the language of your choice with the voice of your choice.